Probably been said about Bob and his memoirs
‘I don’t approve.’
A vet
'I didn’t know a book could teach me so much.’
Ted, Jack Russell
‘Bob, he’s all action-packed-and-ready-to-go.’
Rich, mohican punk
‘He left me with eight pups, but I still love him.’
Daphne, saluki bitch
‘He’s our hero.’
The eight pups
‘Hey, lads, get the bill ready for that huge chop and those sausages: I know where to send it now.’
A butcher
‘What a dog! He’s a legend.’
Butch, English bull terrier
‘I spent the best day of my life with Bob.’
Ursinia, glamorous bitch
‘So that’s the !!!!! who bit me!’
Errol, Staffie
‘He stole my best carrots.’
A greengrocer